Friday, February 09, 2007

All of the drywall is up except for the entry door area where I need to box in the vent pipe first. I'll get to mudding this weekend. I had a bit of a delay because a postal worker had a delivery for me and left the garage door open! 30 mile anhour winds @ 10 degrees for about 5 hours. My cozy 60 deg. garage was 21 degrees when I got home, and it took 2 days to come back up to temp. Needless to say, the door remains locked now. By the way, the Uhaul blanket is covering some really cold, leaky, single pane windows that I intend on replacing, along with the garage door.

Corner: After
Corner: Before
Last Corner to be finished. I''ll be putting walls around the vent and running plumbing for a sink first.

This has been my daily commute for the last week. The apartment in Parish has 10 feet!

Monday, February 05, 2007

The garage/shop is starting to come together. When I started the garage it was 29 degrees in the garage. Last night, it was in the teens outside and 60 inside :-)

Before and almost after...I started by putting up some ceiling joists ( since there were none)
Added some baffels...
Removed a door, and added lots of outlets ( 120 and 240 )...Took the previous owner's fridge to the dump ;-)

Created an ugly R6, or so, garage door for 25 bucks.
Added some padding...bought a gun and rented a drywall lift...

And voila, well almost. A couple more eveneings of rockin and muddin and I should be in good shape.
Once again, I can't really get a good wide angle shot, but it's bigger than it looks (18' x 22'), now that it is getting organized.